Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Internet & Smartphone Travel Tips

Who uses a phone to call people anymore?  But you would like to be able to use Google Maps, Uber and look up restaurants or information about local tourist attractions that are important when traveling. However, you don't want to come home to a bill that is wrecking your budget.

Today's smartphones offer the internet in our pockets. And once you come to depend on that always-on access, it's hard not to have it - even if you are on vacation and trying to relax. To call someone, Google+ still is an inexpensive way to phone over the internet, not to mention Skype.

Here's a variety of options for getting data service while traveling abroad. And I also throw in a few tips to help you conserve data while you're traveling through Europe.

Local SIM card
Depending on where you're traveling, buying a local SIM card may be your least expensive option. This is especially true in Asia. In cities like Singapore and Taipei, you can pick up a tourist SIM that offers lots of data at a very low price for a short period time, according to CNET Australia reporter Claire Reilly.  These SIM cards are often available in airports so you can pick one up when you land or sometimes your hotel will be able to sell you one.  But it can be tricky setting up and using a local SIM in your phone, especially if you don't know the local language.

Do your homework before you leave to figure out which telco is best in the country you're visiting.  And make sure the phone you plan to use isn't locked.

Use an existing plan from a big carrier
All four of the top US wireless carriers offer special international roaming plans for the most popular destinations in the world. While this isn't likely to be the cheapest option for you, it will be the most convenient.

T-Mobile includes unlimited text and data in more than 140 countries. But there's catch. The "free" version of this service only allows for data speeds up to 128 kilobits per second, which could be painful if you're trying to use it for turn-by-turn navigation. T-Mobile also allows you to upgrade this service for $10 a month to get slightly faster speeds.  And for 4G LTE speeds, T-Mobile allows you to purchase international data roaming passes, which start at $20.

AT&T and Verizon offer international service plans that let you pay $10 a day to access your unlimited talk, text and data service that you already subscribe to at home when you're traveling internationally in more than 100 countries.  It's a nice convenience, but certainly not cheap.

Sprint also offers a day pass. It charges $5 a day to let you access your home data plan or you can pay $25 for the week. But it caps the speed of service to 2G speeds.

Free Wi-Fi
When in doubt, use Wi-Fi.  If you can find an Apple Store, Starbucks, shopping mall, and McDonald's, you can get access to free Wi-Fi while traveling.  Some cities, like Paris, also offer free Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the city.  If you're having trouble locating hotspots, you can use apps to find Wi-Fi.  Your hotel might also offer Wi-Fi but sometimes it charges outrageous fees and access is slow.

Still, you should be careful when using free Wi-Fi.  Hackers often "sniff" these unprotected networks looking to steal information, like IDs and passwords, from unsuspecting users. You could use a virtual private network app to encrypt your session, but the safest option is to avoid free hotspots.

Here are some tips from CNET on how to stay secure on public Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi subscriptions
There are other Wi-Fi options that could be useful while traveling.  For instance, Boingo offers a secure Wi-Fi service with more than a million hotspots throughout the world for $10 a month.  But remember that Boingo charges monthly, so make sure to cancel it when you return home.

AT&T also offers its wireless subscribers secure Wi-Fi access while abroad. But you have to sign up for the company's international roaming packages, which offer more limited amounts of data usage. (NOTE: This is different from the daily pass service.)

While Wi-Fi is great because you can get speedy, unlimited access to the internet, it's limited in range and you won't be able to rely on it alone if you need ubiquitous and constant access to the internet.

Rent a Mi-Fi
Companies like XCom Global let you rent small wireless hotspots you can take with you. These devices provide secure Wi-Fi using a local cellular network for your entire family. To avoid charges from your US carrier, turn off the data on your phone but keep Wi-Fi on. XCom charges $7.77 for its Mi-Fi rental and service. If you need to text or make phone calls, you can always use apps like Skype, Whatsapp, and Viber.  But keep in mind this is another device to carry around and keep charged. And anyone using it has to be within range at all times to get the Wi-Fi signal.

Tips for Conserving Data Usage

Download what you need in advance.  Apps like Google Maps or Google Translate will let you download information on your device that you can use offline.  Now with Google Maps, you may not be able to get turn-by-turn directions, but you will have the maps to see where you're going.

Apps, such as Trip Advisor, will allow you to download guides to countries you're visiting so that you can look up restaurants and other useful tips without going on the internet and churning through data.

You may also consider downloading or taking a screenshot of your electronic boarding pass or train ticket so you can pull that up when boarding without having to download it at the gate.  If you're renting a car, use a GPS device in the car instead of relying on your phone so you don't eat through all your data.  Flixbus are ideal for traveling Europe. These services run regularly all day and night in most European countries, and also offer a consistent hop-on-hop-off service at cheap rates, even less than for trains. And certainly WiFi...

Get smart about your apps
Turn off all the push alerts and background data your apps are using on your device before you go away. This will eat up your precious data and kill your battery.

Limit the amount of time you spend on social media per day. And only do it when you're in a Wi-Fi hotspot.  Loading pictures and videos and commenting on all your friend's pictures from home sucks up a lot of data.  Avoiding this might also help you enjoy your vacation a little more.

Google Project Fi 
If you're already a Google Project Fi customer, you're in luck. Google's wireless service, which uses both Wi-Fi and cellular networks to offer phone and mobile internet service, offers one of the easiest and most cost-effective solutions for international travelers.

The plan is structured so you only pay for what you need. You start with $20 for basic phone and text messaging service.  Then you add data in 1GB increments for $10 a month.  The beauty of the plan is that regardless of whether you are in the US or somewhere else in the world, that data charge is the same.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Jetzt auch in Print: TRAUMBERUF PILOT?

Piloten Ausbildung, Jobsuche und Berufsalltag

Alles was Sie als angehender Pilot wissen müssen, finden Sie in diesem praktischen Ratgeber – der “Bibel” für Airline, Berufs- und Helikopterpiloten.  Dank der JAR FCL sind die europaweit die Lizenzen weitgehend vereinheitlicht, sodass nicht nur (künftige) Piloten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz von diesem Buch profitieren, sondern auch deutschsprachige Luftfahrt Enthusiasten aus allen anderen europäischen Ländern.
Laut einer Schulabgängerumfrage lag die Tätigkeit als Pilot an dritter Stelle von allen Wunschberufen.  Das bedeutet dass sich hunderttausende junger Leute für den Pilotenberuf interessieren - aber nirgendwo eine umfassende, professionelle und unabhängige Beratung finden.
Das Buch ”Traumberuf Pilot?” gliedert sich in drei Bereiche: 

Im ersten Teil werden die Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Berufspiloten erklärt und der Berufsalltag beschrieben. Vom Nachtfracht-Piloten und Helikopterpiloten, über den Executive-Flieger bis hin zum Langstreckenpilot und dem Testpiloten und Fluglehrer berichten Cockpit-Crews über ihren Arbeitsbereich und den Pilotenalltag.

Der zweite Abschnitt beschreibt Ausbildungswege in Europa nach den neuesten europäischen Ausbildungsvorschriften, den JAR-FCL’s, aber auch den Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten in Canada, Australien, Süd Afrika und den USA - inklusive der Vorschriften für die Lizenzumschreibung - beschrieben. Es wird ausführlich auch auf die Ausbildung “ab initio” - die durchgehende Ausbildung - oder die Kombination mit einem Studium eingegangen.

Im letzten Teil werden Berufschancen besprochen, DLR Pilotentest-Vorbereitungskurse erklärt, Ausbildungskosten aufgelistet, Gehälter - weltweit - benannt, Möglichkeiten der Jobsuche aufgezeigt - mit einer umfassenden Adressenliste für Ihre Bewerbung inklusive der derzeit eingesetzten Fluggeräte von europäischen Airlines und gewerblichen Luftfahrtunternehmen.
Und es werden natürlich auch hilfreiche Bewerbungs- und Vorstellungstips gegeben. Im Anhang wird der Luftfahrtjargon entschlüsselt und Abkürzungen werden erklärt, sowie zahlreiche Suchmöglichkeiten für die weitere Online Recherche für den Leser aufgelistet.

Für dieses umfangreiche und alle Aspekte der Berufsfliegerei umfassende Informationswerk waren jahrelange Recherchen und zahllosen Interviews notwendig. Eigene Erfahrungen als Berufspilotin und Fluglehrerin runden die Informationen ab. Vor- und vor allem Nachteile dieses Berufes werden detailliert beschrieben.
Anforderungen der Flugschulen, Ausbildungswege, Marktchancen und ein komplettes Adressenverzeichnis von europäischen Ausbildungsbetrieben und von den gewerblichen Luftverkehrsgesellschaften, sowie Tips zur Vorbereitung auf den Einstellungstest bei der DLR und die Stellensuche sollen künftigen PilotInnen bei der Entscheidungsfindung helfen. Ein umfangreicher Index erleichtert die Suche und das Vertiefen einzelner für Piloten interessanter Themen.

Um den Lesern einen objektiven Leitfaden an die Hand zu geben, wurden natürlich auch besonders die weniger positiven Seiten des Berufes detailliert aufgezeigt. Diese "Bibel für angehende Piloten” geht nicht nur auf die europäische Piloten-Ausbildung und die Berufsmöglichkeiten ein, sondern will auch die weltweiten Perspektiven aufzeigen.
Die Autorin Doris Daily war selbst viele Jahre als Berufspilotin und Fluglehrerin in Europa und den USA tätig, verlegte ein Luftfahrtmagazin, und schrieb freiberuflich über Luftfahrtthemen, bis hin zu einem Ausbildungswerk für Simulatoren. 

Traumberuf Pilot?
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Monday, November 5, 2018

Europe's Most Beautiful Libraries


Library at Admont Abbey | © Jorge Ryan/Wikicommons

Visit some of the finest libraries and reading rooms to be found across Europe, in the continent’s cultural hotspots.  Explore baroque spaces or cutting-edge extensions from contemporary architects. 

Biblioteca Joanina, Coimbra, Portugal, University Library
The library was built with the wealth that accompanied Portugal’s imperial endeavors, aka slave money...  The exquisitely carving, lacquering and design were all deliberately commissioned in order to make the best use of Portugal’s craftsmen, and much of the wood used was exotic to them, as it was exported from Brazil.  The library only houses books printed in the 19th century and earlier, making it a truly historical collection.  The University city of Coimbra is west of Lisbon/Portugal and worth a trip of several days.

Admont Abbey Library
One of the largest monastery libraries in the world, the library at Admont Abbey, only a few kilometers from Liezen, not far from #9 highway in the province of Styria/Austria, is a baroque masterpiece.  The decoration is a combination of pure white with gold arrangements, matched by the contents of the library, set in Austria’s oldest monastery and containing an eclectic mixture of antique books.  Expansive windows allow the sun to flood the room.  Don't miss to visit the monastery garden, and approach it through a beautiful contemporary glass staircase.

photo: Wikipedia

Old Library, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
The library’s primary treasure may be the Book of Kells, an extravagantly illustrated gospel book, which is held on permanent public display.  The Old Library also holds temporary exhibitions to show off some other specimens from the collection, which includes a copy of the 1916 Proclamation of the Irish Republic, and the oldest harp in Ireland.  The library also contains a significant collection of Samuel Beckett’s letters.

Austrian National Library, Hofburg Palace, Vienna
The Austrian National Library is housed in the Hofburg Palace, which was the historic seat of power for the Habsburg family.  Decorated in an explosion of Baroque color, the library is abundant in its decoration, with meters-tall bookshelves and luxurious ornaments. 

photo: Wikipedia

Biblioteca Marciana, Venice
Even Andrea Palladio admitted that Jacopo Sansovino’s Biblioteca Marciana was the ‘richest and most ornate’ building assembled since antiquity.  The obligatory ceiling frescoes and niche paintings are present, some of them painted by classical Venetian artists Titian and Tintoretto.  Enter the library via a dramatic marble staircase, illuminated by golden decorations above, a great entrance to one of Venice’s finest buildings, located next to Piazza San Marco.

Baroque Library Hall, Clementinum, Prague
Baroque Library Hall, one of the greatest examples of the titular architectural movement takes its name from the Spanish word ‘barroco’, which means a rough or misshapen pearl.  Columns twist their way upwards, and even the railings and furniture are designed to the smallest detail.  A must-see for any visitors to Prague, Czech Republic.


A book, architecture, and history-loving traveler could choose their destinations, visiting these (and many other) beautiful libraries around the world.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Impressions from Utah's Arches National Park

There are a couple of days each year when every National Park in the U.S.A. opens its doors so you can get in there for free and enjoy nature.  For example on November 11: Veterans Day, the last free one for this year.  See more free days in 2019: https://www.nps.gov/planyourvisit/fee-free-parks.htm

Five National Parks in Southern Utah
Some of the most impressive parks are found in Utah and northern Arizona.  Here are some impressions of a visit to Utah's Arches National Park last year:




The Arches National Park is one of the top national parks in America: it’s a 73,234-acre wonderland of eroded sandstone fins, towers, ribs, gargoyles, hoodoos, balanced rocks, and, of course, arches northwest of Moab.
From here, driving in south-west direction brings travelers to the Zion National Park, Capital Reef, Canyonlands, or the Bryce Canyon Park.  However, that's not all, there are national monuments, national forests, state parks and millions of additional acres of open spaces in Southern Utah and Northern Arizona.  Enjoy these wonderful sceneries in the US Southwest.

